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Your Personal Information for Loan Application

Please ensure that your first name, middle name, and last name are entered exactly as they appear on your official identification documents in Australia. This will help us verify your identity and process your application more efficiently
Date of birth

Please enter your date of birth in the format DD/MM/YYYY. It is important that this information matches the date listed on your official identification documents, as it is required for verifying your identity and ensuring your eligibility for our services.
Your Email

Please enter your email address where we can send you updates and communications. It’s important that the email provided is active and accessible, as it will be used for all future correspondence related to your account.
Please enter your mobile phone number, including the country code, without “+”, any spaces or dashes. This number will be used for important communications and, if necessary, to verify your account. Ensure the phone number is active and capable of receiving messages.
You requested: 200 $

Please specify your desired loan amount, choosing any value between $200 and $2,000. This range is designed to offer flexibility for various financial needs, from managing unexpected expenses to funding personal projects. Enter the amount that best suits your financial situation. Please note that requesting a specific amount does not guarantee approval. All loan applications are subject to our review and decision based on our lending criteria and risk assessment strategy. In some cases, we may not be able to offer any loan if it does not align with our risk management policies
Selected Value: 16 days

Please select your desired loan duration, with options ranging from 16 to 365 days. This allows you to choose a repayment period that best fits your financial plans and capabilities. Note that selecting a specific duration does not guarantee approval. All loan durations are subject to our assessment and must align with our lending policies. Depending on our risk strategy, we may adjust the duration or may not be able to provide a loan at all if it does not meet our criteria.
Privacy Statement, Credit Reporting Statement, Complaints Management Policy, and Credit Guide issued by Finnovate Global Integration. I acknowledge that conditions, fees, and charges are applicable to Finnovate Global Integration’s products and that these may change or new ones may be introduced in the future

[1] I have the authority to provide personal information and details of.
[2] I understand that personal details will be matched to information held by the issuer or official record holder via third party systems for the purpose of identity verification.
[3] I consent to the details which I provide being verified with the issuer or official record holder as part of the identity verification process.